Monday, December 31, 2012

UFX MARKETS : profit of 50 pips!

Trading Signals are one of the most effective tools
UFXMarkets provides its traders
Each Trading signal indicates the price level to open your position and a set of "stop loss" and "take profit" points, to exit the trade. Throughout the years, Trading Signals from UFXMarkets have had a success rate of around 90%, which means that 9 out of 10 trades that used our signals, resulted in profits.

Below is an example of one of our trading signals that was sent out November 14th:
Nov 14, 2011 13:53 � � Nov 15, 2011 10:55 � �
Within less than a day, the pair hit its 1st target and generated
a profit of 50 pips!
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please open a Gold Account with us.
UFXMarkets signals are provided by Barclays Signals. UFXMarkets is committed to your trading experience. With a state of the art trading platform and a unique team of analysts, we can provide the best trading terms for our clients. Each of our traders has a personal trading expert who escorts each trader through the entire trading process. *Be advised that trading using high leverage can result in substantial loss or profit and may not be suitable for everyone.
Disclaimer The analysis we provide is based on the average estimate of price movements in one day. Does not guarantee what we deliver is actually a proper and correct. Everything that happens in the decisions you make on your trading transaction is to be Your responsibilities. Visit Us

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